Here you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Kase & CO trainings, certification, eligibility, payment and more.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Are your courses accredited?

Kase & CO is an EMDRIA, APA and NBCC approved continuing education provider.

Are Kase & CO courses live or recorded?

We are a virtual training company offering synchronous (live-interactive) and asynchronous (pre-recorded & on-demand) courses. Each training clearly identifies the training format it is offered in. Check the information at registration, or the landing page of the training you’re interested in for more information. 

EMDR Basic Training is a live, synchronous course and must be attended live in real-time. 

All of our Advanced Trainings and special workshops can be attended as a live, interactive workshop so long as the trainee registers by the live date. Following the live event, the recorded training is available for asynchronous, on-demand viewing. If you register for an advanced course that will be offered live, you have the option to attend that course live or take it at your leisure on demand. The date that courses are offered for live viewing are noted on the course landing page and at registration. 

Courses do expire, and the expiration date for a course can be found on the course registration page, and in your learner account once you register. 


EMDR Basic Trainings must be completed synchronously. 

We are available for in-person, face-to-face, live trainings upon request. 

Why should I train with Kase & CO?

At Kase & CO, we strive to create an engaging and fun training experience. We create shame-free and empowering spaces for learning. Our team teaches in a trauma-informed manner and focuses heavily on your felt experience through the learning process. We believe in not only teaching you outstanding EMDR, but also in supporting you with a dynamic and inspiring learning experience. We bring play and levity to our trainings, and make even the heaviest of material approachable.

I learned some EMDR, but it’s been a long time since I’ve used it in my practice. What course is best for me?

Basic Training is the first stop in becoming qualified to practice EMDR. If it’s been some time since you completed Basic Training, take our Refresher Course to polish up your skills and get back in the game! We also recommend getting connected for consultation. 


When it comes to Certification, many clinicians start the process feeling rusty and out of practice. Certification will get you back in the swing of things and practicing at an expert level.


I’m not in the United States. Can I still sign up for your courses?

You can sign up for courses with Kase & CO even if you’re not based in the United States. However, be sure to check if your country or geographic area has an EMDR governing body. There is EMDR Australia, EMDR UK, EMDR Europe and EMDR Asia. Check those sights as appropriate for information about training in your area.

Who’s eligible for Basic Training?

Mental health professionals who are license-eligible may attend EMDR Basic Training. Interns and graduate students may attend, but they must be in the clinical portion of their graduate program training. (You must be enrolled in a qualifying program, but you do not need to be licensed to attend training.) For further reference, please review EMDRIA’s Eligibility Requirements

Are you an EMDRIA Approved trainer? 

We are an EMDRIA Approved Training program.

How long does Basic Training take?

Basic Training takes about six months to complete from start to finish. 

Will Basic Training teach me how to practice in person, online, or both?

Yes! You will learn how to practice EMDR for either practice setting.


Will I become certified after Basic Training?

After Basic Training, you will be an EMDR clinician. However, certification is a level of advanced training that you can pursue after you complete Basic Training. You can think of Basic Training like a bachelor’s degree in EMDR, and Certification like a master’s degree. You have to get your bachelor’s degree first before you can pursue your master’s degree.

After completing EMDR Basic Training with Kase & CO, you can continue with your training to get EMDR Certified. Learn more about the requirements of Certification. Learn about our EMDR Certification program.


What’s the difference between Basic Training and Certification in EMDR?

Certification provides advanced education and experience beyond EMDR Basic Training. You can pursue Certification only after you complete Basic Training. 

You do not need to get certified to practice EMDR. However, many clinicians choose to pursue Certification, as the advanced training and credentials identify a practitioner as an expert in EMDR therapy. 


Can I practice EMDR after completing Basic Training?

Yes! You can start practicing with clients after your first training intensive. 

Do you offer payment plans for Basic Training? 

You can choose to pay for Basic Training in one payment, or pay in two, three or four installments. We don’t charge an additional fee for paying in installments. All installment payment plans are set up to auto-debit from your account on your payment plan’s due date. Due dates will be clearly stated when you first register for your training and payment plan.

How do consultation hours in Basic Training work? 

Your consultation groups will be selected on the second day of your Part 1 training weekend. You will be given multiple options to choose from, which will vary by day of the week, time and consultant. To give you time for scheduling and planning, your consultation groups will begin at least three weeks after your Part 1 training.


I’ve taken EMDR Basic Training before but feel I would benefit from going through lectures again. Do you offer that?

We do offer an option to attend Basic Training lectures only, for a discounted rate. If you’re interested in auditing our lectures, please email us.

I’ve already taken my EMDR Basic Training Part 1 elsewhere. Can I take Part 2 with you?

Transferring to a different program for Part 2 of Basic Training can be tricky, as we need to ensure the program you attended for Part 1 meets Kase & CO standards. If you’re interested in completing your Part 2 training with us, please email us. We’ll need to know when you completed Part 1, as well as who you completed it with to see if it is a good fit!

What is EMDR Certification?

EMDR Certification is an advanced level of training and skill as an EMDR therapist. It is a standard that’s overseen by EMDRIA. EMDR Certification will teach you to be an advanced, expert level EMDR therapist. It requires additional training beyond that which you complete in EMDR Basic Training.


What does EMDR Certification training require?

As outlined by EMDRIA, EMDR Certification requires 20 additional hours of consultation beyond the 10 you complete for Basic Training. It also requires that you practice with a certain number of certain number of clients and that you have additional CEs in advanced EMDR training.

Here’s a summary of the EMDR Certification requirements:

  • 10 hours of individual consultation
  • 10 hours of group consultation
  • 12 hours of advanced training in EMDR (courses must be EMDRIA approved)
  • At least 50 hours of EMDR practice with at least 25 clients
  • 3 letters of recommendation

EMDRIA also states that you must be licensed when you submit your application for certification. While you don’t have to be licensed when you start working on these requirements, you do need your license for your application to be approved.


What’s the benefit of getting certified?

There are a lot of benefits and reasons to get EMDR Certified.

Here are some of the most common benefits that clinicians report:

  • Learn advanced skills to work with greater clinical complexity and specialty clients.
  • Align with a highly researched, evidence-based practice.
  • Attract more clients interested in EMDR.
  • Become an expert in EMDR.
  • Find confidence as an EMDR therapist.
  • Hone your EMDR niche. Become an EMDR specialist with the techniques or populations you specialize in! (ex: addictions, dissociation, kids, IFS, somatic therapy)
  • Learn the skills to help your clients heal. 
  • Get an advanced credential for less time and money compared to other advanced programs (IFS, Somatic Experiencing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy). While these programs are phenomenal, they take a whole lot of time and money. They also aren’t as well supported in scientific research as EMDR. EMDR Certification makes you an expert in an evidence-based therapy in less time and for less money. 


What are the benefits of pursuing certification with Kase & CO?

Beyond the benefits described above, Kase & CO has a few unique things to offer you.

  • We’re the only training company that offers the robust certification program that we have. Our program includes a resource hub of worksheets and downloads, individual and group consultation, advanced courses, and connection with our certification community.
  • Community. At Kase & CO we are ALLLL about community! Therefore our certification package was designed so that you build relationships with peers in your cohort. You also get access to our quarterly certification connection space and a special newsletter. There is no training program that will offer you the community that we do as part of our package.
  • Organization! We believe that an organized process is key to your success. No more piecing things together haphazardly! Our certification program is a well-oiled machine. We reduce the headaches and confusing processes that so many training programs often create.
  • Learn from the best. Kase & CO is an internationally recognized training organization. We are experts in EMDR therapy AND experts in training clinicians in our shame-free environments. 
  • Shame Free Spaces for Learning™. Kase & CO creates a learning environment unlike any other company. We’ve trademarked the technique of shame-free spaces for learning. You’ll get certified in a learning community unlike any other you’ve ever experienced. 


What does the Kase & CO EMDR Certification Program cost?

To review packages click HERE


What does the Kase & CO EMDR Certification Program offer?

Our EMDR Certification Package includes:

  • 10 hours of individual consultation with one of our faculty members
  • 10 hours of group consultation with one of our faculty members
  • 12 credits to any of our advanced trainings
  • The Certification Resource Hub with downloads, articles, worksheets, and videos!
  • A quarterly newsletter designed only for our certification crew!
  • Quarterly connection space with our faculty and other certification members.
  • A self-assessment resource to help create your learning plan for Certification.
  • Shame Free Spaces for Learning™
  • BONUS You’ll also get access to our 8-hour on-demand EMDR Refresher Course!


Do you offer payment plans?

We sure do! You can pay in full, pay in 2 payments, or pay over the course of 12 months!


How do I register?

To register for certification visit this page here and select the program that’s right for you!

Who’s eligible for EMDR Certification?

You’re eligible to pursue EMDR Certification after you’ve completed an EMDRIA Approved EMDR Basic Training. Kase & CO has a certification package. Learn more!


How long does Certification take?

The Kase & CO Certification program is designed to be completed in 12-18 months.

Certification can take one to two years, depending on how quickly or slowly you want to progress through the program.  

Is there a time frame for getting certified in EMDR?

Nope! You can do this at your own pace.

Who’s eligible for Consultant Training?

EMDR Consultants help other therapists learn and master EMDR. Kase & CO EMDR Consultant Training is open to EMDR Certified clinicians who are looking to pursue this specialized and coveted role, and who demonstrate integrity, professionalism, advanced skills and compassion.

How long does Consultant Training take?

EMDRIA requires consultants in training to complete training requirements within two years.


How can I become a consultant with Kase & CO?

If you’re interested in becoming an EMDR Consultant with Kase & CO, learn more about our unique EMDR Consultant Training program and how to apply.

Do you offer payment plans? Does it cost more if I pay in installments?

We offer payment plans for EMDR Basic Training. You have the option to pay in two, three or four installments. At the time of registration, you’ll be asked to select your payment plan and be able to view upcoming payment due dates. All payment plans are set to auto-debit on your set due date. There is no additional cost to pay with a payment plan. 


Do you ever offer reduced rates or scholarships?

We recognize that systemic racism has created many social barriers for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), including a lack of equity in education and certification. In an effort to make a difference among mental health professionals and social service providers, we offer annual scholarships for training and advanced certifications for BIPOC mental health professionals. Learn more about our BIPOC Scholarship Fund or apply. 

We do occasionally offer promotional codes in our monthly mailers and on social media. Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list and follow us on social.

I have an automated payment plan and need to change my card. What should I do?

You can update your card details in your account by logging in to your account found on the menu above. Go to My Account > Account Details. At the bottom of that screen select Payment Methods. The next screen will allow you to add a new card to your account. Once you have updated your card, be sure to contact us to let us know.

Can I pay by check?

We are currently not accepting checks as a form of payment. Please contact us to discuss payment options.

How do I access my Training?

You have purchased your training but now are unsure how to access it. Watch this quick video to see how to get your training dashboard.


How to access my Advanced Trainings?

You have purchased your training but now are unsure how to access it. Watch this quick video to see how to get your training dashboard.


How do I reset my password?

When the system does not recognize your password and you need a reset you have a couple options to get a new one. Watch this quick video to see how to get a reset.


Where is my completion certificate?

Once you have finished your training, your certificate will auto-populate in your account. Not sure where to find it? Watch this quick video to see where you will find all your certificates.