EMDR and Somatic Experiencing

EMDR and Somatic Experiencing Healing trauma starts within the body. EMDR and Somatic Experiencing are modalities proven to help process difficult memories, emotions, and trauma patterns. Because of this, mental […]

5 Reasons Why You Need to Do EMDR Training

5 Reasons Why You Need to Do EMDR Training May 21st, 2021 EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, was discovered by psychologist Francine Shapiro in the 1980s. This evidence-based […]

Observing The Observer

Observing The Observer April 8th, 2021 Developing an observer self is a helpful vehicle for mindfulness and healing. Observing the experience and all of its thoughts, feelings and sensations, allows […]

Somatic Experiencing and Social Media

Somatic Experiencing and Social Media March 3rd, 2021 I noticed my first unintentional, somatic experience with social media a few years ago after leaving an emotionally abusive relationship. Any time […]

Asteya and The Therapist Burnout Pandemic

Asteya and The Therapist Burnout Pandemic Asteya is the Sanskrit word for “non-stealing”. It is one of the “guidelines” of yoga, outlined in the Yoga Sutras, or “how to be” […]

Why Trying So Hard Isn’t Working

Why Trying So Hard Isn’t Working I was always doing it. People pleasing and hyper-focusing on productivity to feel worthy of something. Anything. That insatiable drive to do more, be […]

The Season of the Slow Burn

The Season of the Slow Burn Those of us in the mental health profession are not new to stress or hardship nor are we immune to it. In fact, most […]