Integrating Polyvagal Theory (PVT) and EMDR: A Guide to Healing

Integrating Polyvagal Theory (PVT) and EMDR: A Guide to Healing

The intersection of Polyvagal Theory and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) presents a fascinating and powerful approach to therapy, yet the practical integration of these two cutting-edge models has remained an uncharted territory, until now. As a seasoned EMDR therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker who delved into Polyvagal Theory in 2018, I have personally witnessed the transformative synergy between these approaches. This is exactly what led me to build a bridge for my fellow EMDR therapy practitioners, yearning for a more robust and compassionate approach for applying the 8 phases of EMDR and bilateral stimulation. I felt called to write Polyvagal Informed EMDR: A Neuro-Informed Approach to Healing, (Published in 2023, Rebecca Kase) to offer a bridge between these two practical models and to better use the knowledge of neurobiology as a guide in the trauma recovery and healing journey.