Reflection, Gratitude, and Intentions

Reflection, Gratitude, and Intentions

It’s that time of year when we reflect on the past, harness the goodies and lessons learned, and look forward to the future. I always find the end of the year to be an interesting time in which we’re looking backward and forward simultaneously. 


I’m personally not one to set resolutions or harp on the hardships of the year coming to a close. I always reflect on what I learned from the year, and focus on the gifts the universe has offered me to continue to grow. I then set an intention for the year to come and try to align my personal and professional life with that intention.


Here are some of my invaluable lessons and golden nuggets learned from 2023.


Say no: In 2023, I learned I had to start saying no to things. I just couldn’t keep saying yes to everyone in my personal and professional life. Whether it’s something I simply don’t want to do, people who are asking me for my time and energy without fair compensation, or maybe it’s something I want to do but truly don’t have the time….say no. Why do we believe that saying no will reduce opportunities and abundance?! That’s such BS! Saying no creates more space for the things you want to be doing. It doesn’t leave you with less. Saying no leaves you with more of the things that fill you up.


Get clear about priorities: I can get distracted by bright shiny objects. Do you relate? In 2023 I learned the importance of setting priorities, writing them down, communicating them with the people who need to know them, and holding the course. Doing so allows me to be so much more productive! And when you have a team, it allows everyone to move in sync. Whether that’s priorities my husband and I have set for personal goals, or priorities I’ve set with my team…having clarity and knowing what’s most important creates shared focus and increases collaboration. Of course, you can change your priorities as life happens. But having some sense of what you’re trying to accomplish in the next month, quarter, or year allows you to work together in synchronization rather than feeling like you’re constantly playing a game of whack-a-mole. 


More productivity hacks please!: In 2023, I fell in love with finding productivity hacks. Those little things that get you time and energy back while being more productive. This is a must for any business owner and anyone who has a busy life. There’s only so much time in the day! So, to get as much done as possible on your list, look for ways to be more efficient with your time rather than adding more things to your plate. Some of my productivity hacks this year include: 


  • Using curbside pick-up and delivery services more to save me time in stores
  • Scheduling time in my calendar to work on specific tasks rather than just getting them done when I have time
  • Aligning with my body’s rhythms. I take a break from 3-5 every day because that’s the time that my brain starts wandering, creating an eating schedule that aligns with my metabolism, and treating my sleep like my most precious resource. 
  • Hiring contractors and assistants for tasks that don’t require my pay grade or skill set.


I reflect on 2023 with a big heart of gratitude for lessons learned, and for this community that I get to be a part of. All of us here at Kase & CO are so grateful to be a part of your professional network, and we hope that 2023 came with lots of abundance and lessons to help you along your journey.


From everyone on the Kase & CO team, may you have a very happy holiday and a prosperous new year. 


– Rebecca & the Kase & CO team