Exploring the DeTUR Protocol: An Overview to Urge Reduction

Internet addiction is a growing concern in our digital age, affecting many lives daily. As we spend increasing hours online, many struggle to balance their digital habits with reality. Understanding this addiction is vital for developing effective strategies to manage it. One such strategy gaining traction is the DeTUR Protocol, specifically designed to help individuals reduce urges related to internet addiction. This approach has roots in established therapeutic practices but focuses more on the unique challenges posed by screen time and virtual engagement. By breaking down its components, we can better understand how it works. In this article, we will explore the DeTUR Protocol—from its origins to its practical applications, and even the empirical research backing it. We’ll discuss how it compares to traditional methodologies and provide insights into implementing this effective tool in addiction recovery.

Understanding Internet Addiction Disorder

Understanding Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) requires a nuanced approach to treatment. IAD is characterized by excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges, or behaviors regarding internet use that lead to distress or impairment. Dysfunctional behaviors are at the core of IAD where individuals may turn to the digital world to escape real-life challenges, leading to desensitization of triggers that can exacerbate the disorder.

Key Features of IAD:

  • Persistent online activity despite negative consequences
  • Withdrawal symptoms when internet access is restricted
  • Build up of tolerance; more time needed online to feel satisfied
  • Reduction in social, academic, or occupational activities due to internet use
  • Deception about the extent of internet engagement

The positive treatment goal in dealing with IAD often involves the urge reduction protocol. This encompasses developing internal resources and empowering the individual to gain control over their compulsive behaviors. Techniques such as Ericksonian hypnosis have been noted for their potential in supporting clients to access internal strength and redirect focus.

Robbie Dunton, along with others skilled in EMDR Professional Training, emphasizes the importance of targeting addiction memories and core issues that fuel compulsive internet use. The treatment of addictions through protocols like EMDR Solutions has shown a wide range of success for disorders including, but not limited to, pathological gambling and chemical addictions.

Brief interventions aimed at client empowerment through resource accessing are emerging as effective strategies for mitigating the negative impact of internet addiction and promoting a balanced online presence.

The DeTUR Protocol Explained

When we talk about innovative interventions like the DeTUR Protocol, it’s essential to start with a clear understanding of what it is. The DeTUR Protocol stands for ‘Desensitization of Triggers and Urge Reprocessing’ and is heralded as an effective urge reduction protocol. It’s primarily used to tackle dysfunctional behaviors associated with various addictions and compulsive behaviors. What this approach does is target the triggers that elicit negative or destructive behaviors and work on reducing the intense desire to engage in such activities.

One of its notable strengths is that it aims not just to manage but also to diminish the power these triggers hold over an individual. By employing this method, practitioners can help their clients associate triggers with positive and empowering experiences instead, fostering meaningful and lasting change.

This treatment is firmly rooted in the idea of client empowerment, recognizing the importance of nurturing internal resources that individuals can draw upon in their journey to recovery. Through the proficiency of therapists trained in modalities like EMDR Professional Training, DeTUR can be a powerful addition to the suite of interventions for successful treatment of addictions and related behaviors.

Origins of the DeTUR Protocol

The beginnings of the DeTUR Protocol can be traced back to the work of Francine Shapiro, who developed Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Robin Shapiro (no relation), who expanded on it. Francine Shapiro’s discovery of EMDR’s effectiveness in treating post-traumatic stress disorder laid the groundwork for further innovations such as the DeTUR Protocol. This approach was specifically tailored to address the unique challenges presented by chemical addictions, compulsive behaviors, and the associated dysfunctional behaviors.

It has since evolved to be applied across a spectrum of issues, including but not limited to, core traumas and military base-related stress cases. Marilyn Luber, notable for her work in this field, along with Robbie Dunton and others, have played pivotal roles in promoting and refining this specialized protocol within EMDR solutions.

Key Components of the Protocol

Within the DeTUR Protocol, there are several essential elements that contribute to its efficacy:

  1. Identification of Triggers: The first step involves identifying specific internal or external triggers that lead to unhealthy urges.
  2. Positive Goal Setting: The client is encouraged to establish a positive goal to aspire to, replacing the adverse reactions to triggers with this aspirational objective.
  3. Desensitization: Utilizing EMDR techniques, the protocol works to lessen the emotional charge of triggers.
  4. Urge Reprocessing: This phase aims to alter the client’s response to triggers by attaching new, more adaptive beliefs and emotions.
  5. Resource Development: Foster internal resources for empowerment and resilience, aiding in the long-term maintenance of treatment gains.
  6. Empowerment through Action: Encourage taking actionable steps towards the positive goal, reinforcing empowerment.

Through the strategic application of the DeTUR Protocol’s components, therapists can assist individuals in building stronger defenses against addiction memories, and trigger reactions, enabling a smoother path to recovery and self-management.

Steps Involved in the DeTUR Protocol

Embarking on the DeTUR Protocol journey, clients and therapists work closely through a series of structured steps. Essential to the process is establishing trust, assessing historical patterns of addiction, identifying trigger cues, and actively working toward desensitizing these triggers. Central to DeTUR’s approach is the focus on positive treatment goals that empower the individual to tap into their internal resources. Throughout these stages, clients gain skills to manage their reactions to addictive behaviors and ultimately aim for successful treatment outcomes. Let’s delve into the specific steps this process entails.

Rapport building with clients

The initial and arguably most impactful phase within the DeTUR Protocol is building a strong rapport between the therapist and the client. This stage is vital for ensuring that clients feel safe, understood, and supported—a necessary foundation for effective therapy. Establishing trust paves the way for open communication and eases the exploration of sensitive issues. Therapists engage clients with empathy, validating their experiences and emotions. It’s during this time that the groundwork of client empowerment begins, leading to the reinforcement of positive self-regard and setting the scene for active collaboration in the treatment process.

Conducting a history assessment

A thorough history assessment is the next step, which involves the therapist and client working jointly to uncover past behaviors, experiences, and events that contribute to current addictive patterns. The essence of this stage is to explore the client’s life context and establish the core issues or core traumas that may underpin the addiction. This assessment helps in tailoring the subsequent steps of the protocol to the individual’s unique experiences. Through this meticulous evaluation, therapists can formulate a more strategic approach to address the addiction memories and behaviors in question.

Identifying and desensitizing urge triggers

With a foundation of trust and a comprehensive history in place, the focus shifts to pinpointing specific triggers for compulsive behaviors. These triggers may be environmental cues, emotional states, or thought patterns related to dysfunctional behaviors. Once identified, the DeTUR Protocol employs elements of eye movement desensitization to help clients work through and reduce the power of these urges. By pairing the recall of these triggers with bilateral stimulation, clients experience the desensitization of triggers, which lessens their impact and frequency over time. This critical phase is designed to minimize the visceral reaction to triggers, leading clients toward emotional stability and freedom from urge-driven behaviors.

Empirical Research Supporting the DeTUR Protocol

Empirical research has begun to shed light on the DeTUR Protocol, standing for Desensitization of Triggers and Urge Reprocessing. It’s an urge reduction protocol aimed at dysfunctional behaviors often linked to substance use and compulsive behaviors. Developed within the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) framework, created by Francine Shapiro, DeTUR focuses on desensitizing triggers and reprocessing the urge until it’s no longer dysfunctional, aligning with positive treatment goals.

Evidence suggests DeTUR can significantly contribute to client empowerment, coupling desensitization with the accessing of internal resources for empowerment. It goes hand-in-hand with Ericksonian hypnosis and other empowering approaches. The protocol is crafted to address a wide range of chemical addictions and compulsive behaviors, from eating disorders to pathological gambling.

While research is still evolving, early findings indicate DeTUR can effectively complement the successful treatment of addictions, potentially improving outcomes for individuals facing these challenges. Pioneers like Robin Shapiro, who continues to refine EMDR therapy with resources like “EMDR Solutions,” and Marilyn Luber, whose works often serve therapists on military bases and those dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, add credibility to the protocol’s efficacy in empirical research.

Table: Key Findings in DeTUR Research

Research Element


Dysfunctional Behaviors

DeTUR effective in reducing urges

EMDR Framework

Positive synergy with DeTUR for addiction memories

Treatment Goals

Supports positive goal setting and client empowerment

Military Applications

Potential benefits for PTSD-related compulsions


Focus on empowerment through resource accessing

Studies that include Robbie Dunton’s applications and those investigating core traumas have bolstered the scientific community’s understanding of EMDR and the specific protocol for addictions like DeTUR. Overall, the emerging empirical research supports the DeTUR protocol as a promising tool in the treatment of addictions and related dysfunctional behaviors.

Comparison with Traditional EMDR Methodologies

The DeTUR Protocol, while rooted in the EMDR framework, charts its own course when contrasted with traditional EMDR techniques. Conventional EMDR is primarily focused on the processing of traumatic memories and experiences. It directs the client to revisit traumatic events in a safe environment to desensitize the distress associated with those memories.

DeTUR, on the other hand, emphasizes the desensitization of triggers and the reprocessing of urges related to dysfunctional behaviors. Unlike regular EMDR, which might broadly target an individual’s overall psychological stressors, DeTUR zooms in on the specific urges that lead to substance use or compulsive behaviors. Think of it as a direct line to the heart of the matter, addressing the cravings and impulses head-on.

Importantly, while traditional EMDR can be a lengthy process, DeTUR often aims for quicker urge reduction and client stabilization. This urgency-based approach makes it a distinct arm within the EMDR spectrum, tailoring the therapeutic goals to suit the immediacy of addiction and compulsion-related issues.

Unique Features of the DeTUR Protocol

Switching gears to look closely at DeTUR, let’s examine what sets it apart. First off, it incorporates what’s known as an ‘urge reduction protocol,’ applying EMDR’s principles directly to reducing the intensity of urges associated with dysfunctional behaviors. But there’s more.

  • A clear focus on present triggers: DeTUR narrows in on current triggers and the urges they spark, rather than delving primarily into past experiences.
  • Client’s positive treatment goal: DeTUR integrates a specific positive treatment goal into the therapy process, fostering motivation and a clear direction for the client.
  • Use of internal resources: It highlights empowerment through resource accessing, meaning it encourages clients to tap into their own strengths and capabilities as part of the healing process.

These features contribute to an approach that’s not just about coping, but thriving – guiding clients to a place where their own inner resources can be the heroes of their recovery narrative.

Limitations of the Protocol

Like any treatment, DeTur isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. There are a few limitations to bear in mind:

  • Applicability: It may not be suitable for all types of addiction; compulsive behaviors rooted in deeper psychiatric issues may require additional interventions.
  • Adaptability: DeTUR presumes that the client is already somewhat stabilized; those with acute or severe levels of distress might need more foundational treatments first.
  • Research Depth: While promising, research on DeTUR is still developing. More extensive studies are needed to validate its effectiveness across different populations and settings.

Understanding these limitations is crucial for clinicians and clients alike – ensuring expectations align with what the protocol can realistically offer and identifying when an alternative approach may be necessary.

Practical Applications in Addiction Recovery

When it comes to battling addiction and its associated compulsive behaviors, the practical deployment of the DEtur Protocol can be a game-changer for many individuals. This unique approach, rooted in elements of Ericksonian hypnosis and eye movement desensitization, focuses on the desensitization of triggers that often lead to dysfunctional behaviors. The protocol operates on the principle of urge reduction, aiming to help individuals achieve a positive treatment goal rather than merely avoiding negative outcomes.

An integral part of this protocol is its encouragement of client empowerment through resource accessing, arming those in recovery with internal tools to withstand the compulsion to indulge in harmful behaviors. For instance, someone struggling with chemical addictions may use the DEtur Protocol to reduce their cravings significantly, ultimately seeking a fulfilling life devoid of substance dependence.

However, the DEtur Protocol is not a panacea. It’s designed to address specific triggers and may require adjunct therapy for other issues like pathological gambling or addresses core issues from core traumas. Success stories are prevalent, with individuals recovering from a wide array of compulsive behaviors, yet the protocol’s effectiveness can vary from person to person.

Role of Trained Therapists

The effective implementation of the DEtur Protocol for addictions or compulsive behaviors hinges largely on the expertise of well-trained therapists. These professionals, often with backgrounds in EMDR Solutions and the successful treatment of addictions, bring a sophisticated understanding of protocols like Francine Shapiro’s EMDR and specifically the DEtur Protocol developed by professionals like Robbie Dunton and Marilyn Luber.

Trained therapists are skilled in identifying the addiction memories or underlying traumas that fuel dysfunctional behaviors. They also ensure that the process respects the individual’s pace, providing a safe therapeutic space for healing. These therapists, often stationed in private practices or even military bases to assist with post-traumatic stress disorder, are equipped to tailor the protocol to address the unique needs of each client, reinforcing the positive goal and fostering lasting recovery.

To become proficient in the DEtur Protocol, therapists undergo rigorous EMDR Professional Training, which includes both theoretical and practical components. The certification ensures that therapists are not only able to apply the protocol effectively but can also adapt their approach to the complexity of each individual’s situation.

Importance of External Support Systems

Recovery from addiction is rarely a solo journey. While the DEtur Protocol is a formidable tool for urge reduction and empowerment, it thrives with the bolstering of strong external support systems. These systems encompass friends, family, support groups, and sometimes even community resources—all of which can be pivotal in sustaining recovery and preventing relapse.

External supports offer encouragement, accountability, and a sense of connection, all critical factors in maintaining the hard-earned gains from therapy. They provide a safety net, catching individuals if they stumble, and celebrate victories, big and small, on the road to recovery. This communal reinforcement complements the internal resources developed through the DEtur Protocol, creating a comprehensive support network around the individual.

Moreover, these support systems can act as additional motivators, encouraging the continuation of therapy and helping to reinforce the daily use of techniques acquired through treatment. By integrating the external resources alongside the internal ones fostered by the protocol, individuals have a better chance at a successful and sustained recovery.

In summary, the DEtur Protocol serves as one of the promising tools in the kit for the successful treatment of addictions and compulsive behaviors, with trained therapists and robust external support systems augmenting its effectiveness. Each contributes to constructing a resilient recovery framework for individuals dedicated to overcoming their battles with addiction.

Challenges in Implementing the DeTUR Protocol

Implementing the DeTUR protocol, an urge reduction protocol aimed at treating dysfunctional behaviors such as chemical addictions and compulsive behaviors, comes with several challenges:

  1. Resistance to Change: Clients may exhibit resistance to altering ingrained behavioral patterns, which can be a barrier to the positive treatment goal.
  2. Complexity of Triggers: Desensitization of triggers involves addressing each trigger comprehensively. This can be daunting since triggers are often numerous and deeply rooted in the client’s experiences.
  3. Access to Internal Resources: Successful treatment often requires clients to access internal resources, a task that can be difficult for individuals who feel disempowered by their behaviors.
  4. Training and Expertise: Professionals need specific training, like that provided by EMDR Professional Training and EMDR Solutions, to effectively employ this protocol. Without proper training in Ericksonian hypnosis or understanding of core issues, the protocol’s implementation may suffer.
  5. Client Empowerment: Empowerment through resource accessing is a key aspect of DeTUR. Practitioners must ensure that they foster an environment of client empowerment, which may not always be straightforward.

Professionals like Francine Shapiro, Robin Shapiro, and Marilyn Luber have been influential in the development and dissemination of protocols for addictions, emphasizing the importance of addressing addiction memories, core traumas, and facilitating client empowerment for a more successful treatment.

Recommendations for Further Research

As we strive for successful treatment in the realms of dysfunctional behaviors and addiction memories, the Detur Protocol has emerged as a beacon of hope. Yet, there’s still much to explore and understand. Therefore, recommendations for further research are paramount to advancing our knowledge and effectiveness in this domain.

  1. Efficacy Across Diverse Addictions: Research comparing the Detur Protocol’s impact on various chemical addictions versus compulsive behaviors would shed light on its versatility and potential as a universal urge reduction protocol.
  2. Longitudinal Studies: Longer-term studies to observe sustained client empowerment and the maintenance of positive treatment goals would be beneficial.
  3. Comparison with Alternative Therapies: Studies comparing Detur with other methods, such as traditional therapies and Ericksonian hypnosis, can offer a richer understanding of where and when it’s most effective.
  4. Desensitization Mechanics: Delving deeper into the desensitization of triggers through Detur could significantly enhance our understanding of the underlying psychological processes.
  5. Customized Protocols: Investigating how Detur can be tailored to address core traumas and core issues specific to individual histories, such as those found in military bases or among sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Resources for Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery is a complex journey, often requiring a tailored approach to address the underlying issues and promote sustainable change. Here’s a concise table of resources that can be instrumental in addiction recovery:

Resource Type



Behavioral Therapies

Address dysfunctional behaviors, promote desensitization of triggers, and establish a positive treatment goal.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Ericksonian hypnosis

Medical Assistance

Aid in urge reduction and manage withdrawal symptoms.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Support Groups

Provide client empowerment and community support.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

Educational Programs

Increase knowledge about chemical addictions and compulsive behaviors.

EMDR Professional Training, addiction education workshops

Self-Help Strategies

Foster internal resources for coping and empowerment through resource accessing.

Mindfulness, exercise, healthy dieting

Individuals with addiction may benefit from a wide range of treatments, including eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), particularly for addiction memories tied to traumatic events. Experts like Francine Shapiro and Robin Shapiro have contributed greatly to this field, while Marilyn Luber and Robbie Dunton continue to extend its applications to contexts such as military bases and those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Accessing appropriate interventions can lead to successful treatment and recovery from a variety of addictions, including chemical addictions and compulsive disorders like pathological gambling.

Conclusion: The Future of Urge Reduction Strategies

As the landscape of therapy evolves, the future of urge reduction strategies looks promising, reflecting advancements in understanding and addressing dysfunctional behaviors. Protocols such as desensitization of triggers and the DETUR Protocol continue to underscore the importance of a positive treatment goal. Central to this is the utilization of internal resources and techniques like Ericksonian hypnosis, which have shown efficacy in managing chemical addictions and compulsive behaviors.

Experts like Francine Shapiro and Robin Shapiro have championed EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) as a cornerstone of successful treatment, particularly with its application in the EMDR Solutions and EMDR Professional Training programs. This approach has been instrumental in altering the distressing addiction memories, leading to client empowerment.

Looking ahead, empowerment through resource accessing is set to remain vital. A wide range of issues, including core traumas and pathological gambling, will benefit as interventions become more nuanced. With specialized programs extending to military bases to address post-traumatic stress disorder and the contributions from practitioners like Marilyn Luber and Robbie Dunton, the future is geared towards more holistic and client-centered urge reduction protocols.

In conclusion, whether it’s through EMDR, the DETUR Protocol, or other innovative methods, the treatment of addictions is increasingly focusing on comprehensive and personalized care, providing poignant hope for lasting change.

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