Why Mindset Matters

Why Mindset Matters

In the latest episode of Thrive, the Podcast hosted by the multifaceted Rebecca Kase—a trauma therapist, author, yoga instructor, and a testament to the power of healing—we delve into a topic that sits at the very heart of personal transformation: “Why Mindset Matters.”

Expanding Horizons: Kase & CO’s New Trauma-Informed Training Courses

Expanding Horizons: Kase & CO's New Clinical Trauma-Informed Training Courses

Understanding and treatment of trauma are more critical than ever, Kase & CO Training and Consulting stands at the forefront of a significant shift in mental health education. Founded on the principles of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) training, Kase & CO has carved a niche as a premier provider of advanced clinical courses for trauma therapists. However, recognizing the pervasive impact of trauma across all segments of society, we are proud to announce our evolutionary leap forward: expanding our curriculum to offer comprehensive trauma-informed training courses accessible not just to professionals in the psychotherapy space but to the general public as well.

Integrating Polyvagal Theory (PVT) and EMDR: A Guide to Healing

Integrating Polyvagal Theory (PVT) and EMDR: A Guide to Healing

The intersection of Polyvagal Theory and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) presents a fascinating and powerful approach to therapy, yet the practical integration of these two cutting-edge models has remained an uncharted territory, until now. As a seasoned EMDR therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker who delved into Polyvagal Theory in 2018, I have personally witnessed the transformative synergy between these approaches. This is exactly what led me to build a bridge for my fellow EMDR therapy practitioners, yearning for a more robust and compassionate approach for applying the 8 phases of EMDR and bilateral stimulation. I felt called to write Polyvagal Informed EMDR: A Neuro-Informed Approach to Healing, (Published in 2023, Rebecca Kase) to offer a bridge between these two practical models and to better use the knowledge of neurobiology as a guide in the trauma recovery and healing journey.

The Thrive 5

the thrive 5

With a rich tapestry of personal experience, neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality, Rebecca unfolds a framework designed to shift individuals from the shadows of survival mode into the luminous realm of thriving. “The Thrive 5” isn’t just a set of guidelines; it’s a holistic approach that beckons listeners to actively engage in shaping their lives through a series of habits, behaviors, and actions.

What Is Trauma?

What is trauma?

Through a blend of neuroscience, psychology, spirituality, and heartfelt personal narratives, Rebecca opens a window into the nuanced world of trauma. This exploration is not just academic; it’s a beacon of hope and understanding for anyone touched by trauma’s far-reaching shadows. As we unfold the layers of trauma’s definition, impact, and the pathways to resilience, this blog post aims to mirror the episode’s comprehensive approach, providing readers with a holistic view of trauma informed by science, empathy, and real-life experiences.

Befriending & Working With Your Nervous System

Befriending & and Understanding Your Nervous System

Befriending and understanding your nervous system:
By delving into the science, psychology, and spirituality of our body’s response systems, we embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of thriving in the face of life’s challenges, ensuring a foundation for a life lived with intention, resilience, and harmony.

Permission for Pleasure

Permission for Pleasure

What’s your relationship with pleasure? Notice what thoughts, feelings, and sensations come up for you when you sit with the word.

Addressing Common Myths About EMDR

Addressing Common Myths About EMDR

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) stands as a transformative approach to healing trauma. Yet, despite its proven effectiveness, EMDR therapy often finds itself shrouded in myths and misconceptions that can hinder a true understanding of its potential.